Guru Gobind Singh International School

Guru Gobind Singh International School

Deep Singh Wala, Faridkot

Affiliated with CISCE, New Delhi

Anil K. Sharma (Principal)

Every experience of the life is a part of education. Whatsoever a man achieves is the result of his education. The only way through which a person may be superior to other, is again education. Even the overall development of a person is possible only through education. Above all the involvement of our culture, tradition and our national integrity depends upon the education of the masses because only an educated person cares about the future of his country. Therefore, to provide quality education is a need of the hour and a true service of the motherland and mankind. Guru Gobind Singh International School has been playing a vital role in the promotion of education in right direction for the last many years. So, I call people of this to get involved in the sacred work of nation building.

Gurjant Singh (Chairman)

The main aim of education in Guru Gobind Singh International School is the all-round development of a student. Our purpose is to develop a student into a full, whole and integrated person. Thus, the objectives to be achieved through education and training are many and comprehensive. Education helps in achieving and developing skills, abilities, insights and scientific temper. Besides literary and aesthetic appeal of education, there are utilitarian aspects as well and they are equally important. Education aims at developing and bringing out the best of a student’s inner personality, without neglecting the outer and material aspects. Education also means that students are made capable of standing on their own feet to earn their bread and butter. An educated person is supposed to face the challenges of life bravely and successfully. No person can be called properly educated if he or she fails in making a meaningful contribution to the society and country.