Guru Gobind Singh International School

Guru Gobind Singh International School

Deep Singh Wala, Faridkot

Affiliated with CISCE, New Delhi

School Uniform

Summer Dress Code

Junior Girls

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

White Shirt (half sleeve, tie collar) school neck-bow, Check Skirt with School belt, Black Shoes (buckled) with skin socks.
They are to wear their hair in two looped plaits Bound in Maroon Ribbon, Students having haircut Must wear Maroon hair band.

(For Wed & Sat)

Housewise T-Shirt with blue trouser)

Junior Boys

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

White Shirt (half sleeve, Tie collar) School Neck, Bow, Check Pent with School belt, Black Shoes with Laces (Bata Cadre) with skin socks.
Sikh boys are to use Maroon under turban (Patka)

(For Wed & Sat)

House wise T-Shirt with blue trouser (Sikh boys are to use white under turban (Patka) and full Length white turban in class IX onward)

Senior Girls

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

White Shirt (half sleeve) School Neck-tie, Air Force blue Skirt(6th onward divided) with School belt, Black Shoes (buckled) with white socks.
They are to wear their hair in two looped plaits Bound in Maroon Ribbon, Students having haircut Must wear Maroon hair band.

(For Wed & Sat)

Housewise T-Shirt with blue trouser)

Senior Girls

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

Check Shirt (half sleeve) School NeckTie, Air Force Blue Pent (Shorts up to 2nd) with School belt. Black shoes with Laces (Bata Cadre) with white Socks.
Sikh boys are to use Maroon under turban (Patka) and full Length Maroon turban in class IX onward.

(For Wed & Sat)

House wise T-Shirt with blue trouser (Sikh boys are to use white under turban (Patka) and full Length white turban in class IX onward)

Winter Dress Code

Junior Girls

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

White Shirt (full sleeve, tie collar) school neck-bow, Check Skirt with School belt, Maroon sweater & Blazer & Skin Legging
Black Shoes (buckled) with skin socks.
They are to wear their hair in two looped plaits Bound in Maroon Ribbon, Students having haircut Must wear Maroon hair band.

(For Wed & Sat)

House T-Shirt with blue trouser along with navy blue Sweat Shirt )

Junior Boys

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

White Shirt (full sleeve, tie collar) school neck-bow, Check Pent with School belt, Maroon sweater & Blazer.
Black shoes with Laces (Bata Cadre) with skin socks.
Black shoes with Laces (Bata Cadre) with skin socks.

(For Wed & Sat)

Sikh boys are to use Maroon under turban (Patka)

Senior Girls

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

White Shirt (Full sleeve, tie collar) school Neck tie, Check Skirt with School belt, Maroon sweater & Blazer & Skin Legging, Black Shoes (buckled) with White socks.
They are to wear their hair in two looped plaits Bound in Maroon Ribbon, Students having haircut Must wear Maroon hair band.

(For Wed & Sat)

House T-Shirt with blue trouser along with navy blue Sweat Shirt)

Senior Girls

(For Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri)

Check Shirt (full sleeve) School Neck, Tie, Air Force Blue Pent with School belt, Maroon sweater & Blazer, Black shoes with Laces (Bata Cadre) with White Sock.
Sikh boys are to use Maroon under turban (Patka) and full Length Maroon turban in class IX onward.

(For Wed & Sat)

House T-Shirt with blue trouser along with navy blue Sweat Shirt (Sikh boys are to use white under turban (Patka) and full Length white turban in class IX onward)